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In samushi. we help ideas become running business.
Everyday we are amazed about how some crystal clear ideas cannot breakthrough into the business world! Either there is technology but no management, or market but no business oriented knowledge, or sometimes all aligned but still no funding. Coming from life science and management environments, samushi.'s founders have decided to work as an interface linking science and technology to business opportunities. This made us from the very beginning much oriented to the health-related Biotechnology sector, and naturally after, to the ICT, Nanotechnologies and Energy ones. We love to concept, implement, adjust and turnaround the ways things are commonly done, bringing the best practices from one sector to the other, working from the starting-up, strategy formulation and fundraising aspects to the management and business development features. These days samushi. is connected to some of the most outstanding European and American R&D centers and investors networks, linking wills, tested ideas and innovative projects to market opportunities. We Experiment it for Business! | We Project it for Investment! |